Friday, 13 February 2015

Plan of Action
  • Re-write my interview, making sure that it is more realistic and better quality. Taking inspirations from interviews in music magazines. 
  • Choose the styling of my models to suit both my magazine and the genre. Ensuring that I am able to work with the colours of the clothing.
  • Re-take pictures of my magazine ensuring that I have a variety of images I am able to work with. This includes changing outfits and types of images I'm taking. I also need to make sure I work with the lighting to produce the best possible images.
  • Re-create the front cover, ensuring that I have took all of the corrections into consideration and improved my work. This includes changing the sizes, positioning and overall look of some components. The information under the barcode has to be smaller and the green text has to be placed in the most appropriate position.
  • Change the contents page the way I need to. Change the items that I feel need to change and ensure I have included better and more interesting pictures. The text needs to be made to the appropriate sizes and the phrasing of the explanations needs to be better.
  • Create my double page spread. Ensuring that I have used columns, a bigger margin and even spacing as well as all of the other improvements. Make sure that the double page looks as though it is in a real magazine. I also need to not use as many colours to make it look more professional.
  • Print out all of the pages to hand in and post on blog.

Deadline for coursework- Friday 13th March- 3.10pm 
Audience Feedback
Below is the feedback that I have gained from 10 people regarding my draft magazines.

  1. 'High quality photos and good use of colour'
  2. 'I like the layout of the cover, contents page and double page spread. It might be better to not use quite as many different colours on the double page'
  3. 'On the double page, try not to use such large blocks of writing'
  4. 'Colours for the font on the double page seem a bit random'
  5. 'I think the font suits the topic and the layout of the magazine. I think generally the colours go well together however there are a lot of colours on the double page.'
  6. 'Choice of colours was good; simple yet effective. Layout of contents page works well because it is easy to process and understand.'
  7. 'I like the layout of the front cover and the contents page, but there is a lot of writing on the double page'
  8. 'I love the green, it works well. The layout is good and easy to read. Maybe you could add some green to the main title.'
  9. 'The cover looks very professional, very bold title. Good contrast colouring with the pictures of the models. I love the green against the black. Possible change the text colour on the interview. Overall it is fantastic.'
I appreciate all of my feedback and the views of my audience. I will take all of these comments into consideration and I believe it will help to make my magazine better. Also, changing these things will mean the magazine is more likely to sell.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Teacher Feedback
Front cover:
  • The information under the barcode is too large for where it is placed
  • The styling of the models needs to be changed
  • The lighting on the model in the white is wrong as her chin cannot be defined from her neck.
  • The 'INDEED" text is illegible the the positioning doesn't work where it is
  • The bands used at the top of the page are not just indie artists, they are mostly a mixture of indie and rock

Contents Page:
  • There needs to be photo credits for each of the images
  • The pictures are too similar, they need to be more interesting
  • The word 'Features' and 'Every Month' need to be bigger than the numbers
  • The phrasing of a lot of the explanations needs to be better
  • 'The Fratellis' is not mentioned on the cover and is indie rock
  • Change name of 'Every Month'
  • Too many pages given for crossword

Double Page Spread:
  • The title needs to be brought together
  • The margins need to be bigger
  • The spacing between the text and models need to be larger and even
  • Style and positioning of the models needs to change
  • Photo credits need to be given
  • Too many different colours of text
  • 'So' is said too many times
  • The interview needs to be changed to be more realistic
  • The outro can be deleted
  • Columns would look better
  • Edit the article down
  • Be consistent with punctuation                                                     
Peer Assessment
Front Cover:
The front cover is good and has a good layout. However, the price is too close to the barcode so it needs to be made smaller or be moved further away. Also, the models need to be styled in a way that suits the magazine better as the colours do not quite fit the colours of the magazine.

Contents Page:
It is a good deign and looks professional. I personally do not feel as though it needs changed. 

Double Page Spread:
The colours of the interview need to be different as there is too much colour on the page. The colours would be better if they were green and black, the colours of the title, so that it suited the magazine better. I would also make sure the spacing of the text is at a even distance away from the images to make it look neater. Also, putting the text into columns would make it look better and more professional.

I respect the constructive criticism my peer gave to me and I will be sure to take this advice on board when I create my final magazine. I feel as though this will help my magazine look better and more professional.

Friday, 6 February 2015

Draft Magazine

Front Cover:

This is the draft of my front cover. I have chosen quite a simple look to the magazine as I thought this would suit my magazine the best. The name of the magazine is clearly displayed at the top of my page and the issue number, date, price and the barcode is displayed next to it. I have made the name of my band green as this is the colour scheme that I chose. When I retake the pictures, I am going to make sure the models are wearing black tops as this is the colour which works well with the green, meaning this would look better. 

Contents Page:

This is my contents page. I have carried on the colour scheme on this page which I think works well as it makes the information stand out. I have placed two images of the band on the right hand side of the page as it shows people that they are in the magazine and should attract them to the page. 

Double Page Spread:

This is my double page spread. I have displayed one member of the duo on each side and the text displayed around them. When I recreate my magazine, I will change the colours of the speech. I have made 'Indeed' green as it fits in with my colour scheme and makes it stand out to ensure that people know they are the topic of the double page.