Friday, 20 March 2015

Draft 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

1 comment:

  1. Unsure that Prezi is best medium to use here as have had to zoom in a lot to read any of your analysis.
    You’ve missed key areas of evaluation, e.g. title, costume/props, camerawork and framing, font selection, genre, how your artists are represented. You also need to include more technical vocab.
    You need to explain why you have made certain choices or made the statements you’ve made, e.g. ‘I felt it would work best with my magazine…’, why? And ‘The background works well with portraying the musician’ – how? Go back through and double check you’ve fully explained yourself.
    Keep similar ideas together; focus on one area at a time, e.g. mise en scene, masthead, graphology, etc.
    Check for spelling, paragraphing, and that your writing makes sense, as at times there are errors.
