Research Relavent Photographers
Mert & Marcus
I chose to look at Mert &
Marcus’s photography because as soon as I found their pictures, I initially saw
the variety of colours and the variation between the pictures. This interested
me and attracted me towards the images which they produce. I found that their
pictures where different, they looked effortless yet a lot of time would have
been spent on taking that perfect picture. I feel as though their style of
images would look good on the front of a magazine as it would automatically
grab attention and attract people to the magazine. I think that if I were to take an image like one of the below and put it on the front cover of my magazine, it would grab attention and automatic interest to my magazine. The images strike curiosity and wonder into how the images were thought of. For example, the image on the top right makes you wonder what this image was taken for and makes you think of the deeper meaning behind the image.

Interesting photography combination - I'll be interested to see how this translates to your magazine.