Friday, 30 January 2015

Results From My Survey
I created a survey in which I asked questions which I wanted feedback about regarding my magazine. I then received some anonymous feedback which I have explained below.

At first I asked if the person was male of female. This is because my magazine is targeted at both genders so I wanted to make sure I had feedback from both genders. Evidently, more females took my survey, however, I was still able to show results from both genders.


I then asked their views on the colour scheme that I has chosen to which I gained mixed views. Most people said that they liked the colour scheme and it would work well with my magazine. Some people said that they thought it would stand out,however, some people also thought that it would not stand out and not work well in my magazine. I respect this criticism, however, the majority of the people who took my survey liked my colour scheme meaning that I will stick with this colour scheme.


My third question was then asking people what they thought of 'Daydream' as a name for my magazine, which is the name that I have chosen.  All of the people who took my survey liked this name and thought it linked in well with the indie vibe I wish to create. This has made me gain confidence in my name as I now know that other people like the name and think it it works well.

For my forth question, I asked how often they would purchase my magazine. This is to help me know how often I should sell my magazine, which would also help with the working out of price. I was initially thinking of selling the magazine monthly as it is enough time to prepare a good magazine but is also regular meaning that people will still want to purchase the magazine. This also means that people will not have to spend too much money of the magazine. I think the reason behind people choosing 'never' was purely down to them not buying music magazines or them not being into indie music, which is understandable. The person who selected 'other' wrote:
which is a good reason why people purchase magazines and what attracts people to a magazine a lot of the time. This has made me think that I can not always have unknown artists on the front cover as it may result in people not purchasing my magazine.


For my fifth and final question I then asked which artists people listened to. This was to enable me to get a better understanding of who I should include inside of the magazine or name on the front cover. This is so that people are attracted to my magazine and want to purchase and read my magazine because a musician they like is included in the magazine.

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