Preliminary Plan-
Preliminary Work-
Example of Other Magazines-
3x Analysis of Front Covers, Contents Pages and Double Page Spreads-
Colour Scheme Ideas-
Magazine Font Ideas-
Analysis of Existing Magazine Titles-
Style of Magazine Based on Research-
Fashion and Styling-
Mood Board-
Mood Board-
Audience Research-
Audience Profile-
Research Relevant Photographers 1-
Research Relevant Photographers 2-
Research Relevant Photographers 3-
Research Relevant Graphic Designers-
Analysis of Institution-
Analysis of Institution-
I feel as though I have learnt a lot more about magazines through the course of completing these tasks. This is because I have been analysing magazines a lot more and how items are set out. Through this I feel as though I have a much better idea of how I would like my magazine to look and what I think would be appealing to my audience.
Organisation and Time Management
I feel as though I have worked with the schedule well so far as I managed to complete all of the work in the set time, proving that I have managed my time well. However, I feel as though I should have started the work a lot earlier than I did because I would not have then felt as rushed as I did in the last few days. I may have been able to produce the work to a better standard but I feel as though I have put a lot of effort into the work so far.
Research and Planning
I feel as though I have learnt a lot more about music magazines. I have found that there are a variety of music magazines that all lay out their content in different ways. Some magazines chose to keep their pages simple yet effective where as some magazines prefer to put a lot of items into their magazines to may it look busy. I have also found out that some magazines prefer to use quite subtle colours where as other use bright and eye-catching colours.
I feel as though which ever way I choose to set out my magazine, I will do it to the best of my ability and hopefully make it look as though it is a real music magazine that could be bought in a shop. This would show that I would be able to take on ideas and replicate them well, showing skill. Factors that I feel I would be able to replicate are things such as the colour scheme and the layout. A colour scheme would be easy to replicate and would not take a lot of effort. The layout of the magazine would take a little longer but I feel as though I would be able to place the right items in the correct place when creating the magazine.
I feel as though if I chose to replicate a magazine such as Clash, it may become misunderstood and may look as though I was not be able to lay out the content appropriately. This is because there are pieces of text which have been put in places which typically you would not have thought about putting. For example, on one of the Clash magazines there is no text about a little bit of text over the models face.
I feel as though I should be able to take the pictures well as I enjoy photography. If I manage to take a good photograph for the front cover of my magazine, this will add to the professionalism of the magazine and make it look better than if I were to use a photograph that was, for example, blurry.
However, I do not feel as though I am good at working with Photoshop, which is the programme which we will be using to create the magazine. The first time I used this programme was to create the preliminary magazine. I feel as though I learnt the basics of the software when using it to create the preliminary but it did take me a while to come to terms with and be able to do everything which I wanted to do. I feel as though I may need to take a little bit of time to practise with the software before I begin to create the magazine to ensure that I am able to create the magazine to the best of my ability.
You need to fix the links on this post. An interesting self-evaluation; you have identified some weaknesses in your work routine and suggested solutions to solve these. Well done.